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IDE Technologies 10
The Carlsbad Project is the LargestDesalination Plant in the nation and a Complete Game Changer forDesalination in the US.The award-winning desalination project owned and developed byPoseidon Water, will provide the San Diego County Water Authority(SDCWA) with enough water to serve more than 300,000 people andgenerate over $50m annually to the regional economy. The plantovercame significant practical, regulatory and economic hurdles todeliver a cost effective and environmentally friendly water supply.Poseidon Water, IDE and its partners worked for more than 10 yearsto develop a desalination solution that meets all the challengingcriteria.OverviewCapacity: 54M gallons (204,412 m3) per dayTechnology: Reverse Osmosis (SWRO)Project type: Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) +Operation & Maintenance (O&M)Owner: Poseidon Water, LLCLocation: Encina Power Station, Carlsbad, CaliforniaFootprint: ~5.5 acresCommission date: 2015IDE leads the water industry with some of the world’s mostadvanced thermal and membrane desalination plants. IDE providessmall to large cost-effective desalination solutions, such as IDEPROGREENTM, a modular, chemical-free reverse osmosis ‘plant in abox’.IDE has an especially well-proven track record in large-scalemembrane and thermal desalination, including some of the largestplants worldwide, (e.g. in China, India, US, Australia and Israel).IDE also has a proven experience in ground-breaking industrialwater treatment plants that deliver a reliable, sustainable andeconomical solution for industry.